Books I Think You Should Read
The Menopause Brain – Lisa Mosconi
This book needs to be on every woman’s book shelf. It is an invaluable resource that covers everything you have wanted to know about peri menopause and menopause.

Woman of a Certain Rage – Georgie Hall
This book isn’t about menopause as such but it is about a middle aged woman and how she is navigating life. It is hilarious! I laughed out load in so many places. I identified with the main character so much, she is all of us I think! Definitely add it to your reading list.

Podcasts You Need to Listen To
The Resetter Podcast – The Impact of Diet on Hormones & How Seed Cycling Helps
I stumbled across this podcast and it is definitely something I am keen to learn more about. I do believe food plays a huge role in our cycles, hormones, moods etc and this podcast expands on that. Well worth a listen.