Let’s talk about something that sneaks up on us like a ninja in the night – perimenopause. You might think you’re too young for “the change,” but guess what? Perimenopause can start as early as your mid-30s. Yep, you read that right! I started in late 30s and I can tell you now, I was not prepared!

So, let’s dive into some sneaky signs that your body might be gearing up for this wild hormonal ride.
- Your periods are playing hide and seek. Remember when Aunt Flo was as predictable as your coffee cravings? Well, she might start showing up late, early, or ghosting you altogether. If your cycle’s suddenly gone rogue, it could be perimenopause waving hello.
- Sleep? What’s that? If you’re tossing and turning more than a rotisserie chicken, perimenopause might be the culprit. Hormonal changes can mess with your sleep patterns, leaving you staring at the ceiling at 3 AM. This hit me hard. I am still struggling a little bit with it (10 years on).
- Mood swings that rival a teenage drama. One minute you’re on top of the world, the next you’re crying over a puppy commercial. If your emotions are all over the place, your hormones might be playing ping pong.
- Hot flashes – but make it subtle. Not all hot flashes are created equal. Sometimes it’s just a quick warmth that flushes your face or chest. If you’re suddenly feeling toasty for no reason, take note! Nights were the worst for me with this, didn’t matter if it was -1 outside, I was a hot ball of lava. Fortunately for me, they didn’t last very long, probably a year and they were done.
- Your libido’s gone MIA. Has your sex drive packed its bags and gone on vacation? Hormonal shifts can dampen your desire. But don’t worry, it’s not gone forever! I had the opposite to this, I had periods of very high libido, which both my husband I were appreciative of.
- Brain fog is real, folks. If you’re suddenly forgetting why you walked into a room or blanking on your neighbor’s name, it’s not just you. Hormonal changes can affect cognitive function. Time to start leaving yourself more sticky notes!
- Hello, dry everything. Suddenly need to chug water like you’re in the Sahara? Dry skin, eyes, and even ahem down there can all be signs of perimenopause. Invest in some good moisturizer, stat! Having a little pink salt in some water every morning helped me a lot with this.
- Weight gain, especially around the middle. I don’t even want to talk about this one. If your jeans are feeling a bit snug, especially around your waist, it might not be just those extra cookies. Hormonal changes can redistribute fat, often settling it right around your midsection.
- Headaches become your new frenemy. Never had migraines before? Perimenopause might change that. Fluctuating estrogen levels can trigger headaches in some women. Time to stock up on pain relievers!
- Your heart’s doing the cha-cha. Feel like your heart’s trying to break dance in your chest? Heart palpitations can be a surprising sign of perimenopause. While usually harmless, it’s always good to get them checked out.
Now, before you start panicking and thinking you’re turning into your great-aunt Mildred overnight, remember this: perimenopause is a natural part of life. It’s like puberty’s older, wiser (and slightly more annoying) sister.
These symptoms don’t mean you’re “old” or that your youth is over. Heck no! It’s just your body shifting gears, preparing for the next awesome phase of your life. Plus, not everyone experiences all these symptoms, and some lucky ducks barely notice any changes at all.
If you’re noticing some of these signs, it might be time for a chat with your doctor. They can help confirm if you’re indeed in perimenopause and offer ways to manage any symptoms that are cramping your style.
Remember, knowledge is power, ladies! By recognizing these early signs, you can stay ahead of the game and navigate this transition like the boss you are. Perimenopause doesn’t have to be a bumpy ride – think of it more like a scenic route to your fabulous future self.
So, embrace the change, stock up on fans (for those sneaky hot flashes), and remember – you’ve got this! After all, you’re not getting older, you’re just leveling up. Now, go forth and conquer, perimenopausal warriors!